Agent Higgs on Sale!
June 8, 2012
The day has finally arrived: Agent Higgs is available in the app store! So tell your friends, watch the trailer, download the game, and rate it once you have!
I hope you enjoy the game, and I’m glad to hear any and all feedback about it.
New Trailer
June 5, 2012
There’s just a few days to go before Agent Higgs is released! And that means I’ve been having to google ‘what is a press release.’ A lot.
So I was doubly happy to get my hands dirty with the content of Agent Higgs (in a way), by making this super-awesome-way-over-the-top trailer for the game. Enjoy!
The YouTube link is:
Agent Higgs Ready!
June 1, 2012
We’re just a week away from the release of my newest game! Agent Higgs will be coming out on June 8th, available in the iTunes store.
Yesterday, I shipped my game off to Apple. Which is a scary feeling, and it took a lot of double-checking before I was sure I hadn’t forgotten anything. (Note: I’m sure I’ve forgotten something) So, at least when it comes to the code, it is out of my hands now. Which feels great. Time to celebrate and move on to the next game?
Not quite yet. In the games biz (I can say that now, being an indie developer who left his day job), getting your game out there is just the start. With no one to play it, well, you’re sunk. But you, the reader, are just the person to help! And Agent Higgs needs your help.
I’m not swimming in a marketing budget over here, so if you are someone who likes physics — or know someone who does, get the word out! For now is the time for some good-ol-grass-roots word-of-mouth.
And while we’re on the subject, if you’re interested in hearing about the release of this game, and development of future games, you can stay in the loop by following me on Twitter (link at the top of your screen)
No Twitter? How about liking TTG on Facebook?
And stay tuned. In just one short week… here’s hoping tons of players will discover the Higgs!