Latest on Higgs
October 26, 2012
The fixed version of Agent Higgs is out (and has been for over a week, now). If you are still having trouble, update to the latest version and all your woes should be gone. Yes, all of them.
For your troubles, though, you will notice the latest addition to Agent Higgs: a Level Editor. Right there on the menu screen, next to ‘Subatomic’, ‘Neutrinos’, etc, there is a new category where you can make your own levels. (It is all the way to the LEFT.)
The editor is just a beta version, but it works. By touching the screen, you can place particles on a level, then you can go play that very same level. There are forty slots to fill, and the game will even remember you best score on any given level. Can you find the perfect score even when no definite perfect score exists? Whoa.
The level editor is unlocked once you reach the Higgs stage (when you’ve beaten the charged levels). If you make a particularly cool level, send it along to me. I’d be happy to check your supposed perfect score, and perhaps even add the level to the game.
Happy building!
October 12, 2012
Turns out the latest version of Agent Higgs (2.2) crashes on devices running less than iOS 6.0. So, if you’re in that situation, I’d suggest NOT updating yet. I have a new version (2.3) that I’ve submitted, and hopefully it will be out in the next few days.
Sorry for the inconvenience!
Some Changes
October 5, 2012
In the past weeks, I’ve made a couple minor updates around here. I went through and updated Velocity Raptor based on some of the comments I’ve received (tough levels, confusion, etc) and also some things I just wanted to improve. (Prettier drawings, mainly) You can see the results yourself!
And after doing that, I realized that my Gravity simulation could use the same treatment. In spite of the fact that it was one of my first projects, and I have never promoted it anywhere, it gets a fair amount of traffic. I guess people like playing around with planets! So I made some of the drawings for that one prettier, too.