The Results are In!
November 20, 2014
The Bond Builder Contest was a great success – we got a bunch of cool levels that players submitted. From nice-and-easy levels (I’m sure there had to be at least one easy one in the bunch) to ultra-hard levels (oh yes, there were those), and everything in between. I learned that I am *not* the world champion of my game, though how people solved Prison Break so easily boggles my mind.
This contest wasn’t just for fun, though… there’s a lot on the line, here! The winners get their levels added to the official game, right in the main campaign. Think of the fame and fortune that would go along with having a level in Bond Breaker!
The researchers at CaSTL and I played through the three dozen levels that we finally got for the contest. And through a very official, legit, *triple*-blind judging process, we picked six levels as the winners.
Without further ado, check out the newest Bond Breaker levels!
Puzzle 3
by _V_
A classic video-gamey level.
by Matthias
Each time I think I’ve beaten this level, I find out there’s another trap I’ve fallen into!
Football Goalpost
by Tecnoturc
Flashing decoration? Who put that in my game?
Poolest Level
by Andre
Took me longer than I’d like to admit to solve this puzzle!
Love Story
A Random Player
This one made me cry at the end. Well, not quite. But almost.
A Random Player
Congrats to all five creators of the levels! These will soon be added into the main game, but feel free to click on any of the images to play them right now.
Frankly, though, all levels we got were awesome and cool, and I wished we could put them all in the game. So I decided that I *will* do just that. Thus, you can find all the levels that people made for this contest (and afterwards) in a new user-made-levels menu of the game. It’ll be updated with new levels as they come in. So if you’ve made something neat, share it in the forums, and you, too, might become part of Bond Breaker history!
Shocktopus on his way
November 12, 2014
So, you remember that game I was making?
The one about the electric octopus? Maybe it looked a little like this the last time you saw it:
Whoops, that was a little too far back. Moving forward just a bit…

What a romantic setting. The sun setting over the water, stars all around, and missiles aiming right for you.
There, the Electric Shocktopus as you might remember it. A game about Electric Fields, Magnetic Forces, conductors, cycloids, and spikes…. so many spikes. Whatever happened to that game? Wait, it hasn’t come out yet? What?
So, after a year sitting on the shelf waiting for release, the Electric Shocktopus is slated for release! When?
That’s right, January 25th, 2015 — finally a release date for this game! I’ve managed to clear some time in my schedule to get it ready to greet the world. I’m going to dust it off, polish it up, and make it shine! Between that and a port to Unity (more power, faster game, awesome-er graphics), I’ve got my work cut out for me. But there’s nothing like a release date to keep you motivated!
The Entries are In
November 10, 2014
We got a bunch of tremendous entries to the Bond Builder Contest — over 30 levels were submitted! Over here, the contest judges are starting their work to pick the 6 levels that will be added to the game. This means we’re busy tabulating the results, playing through the levels, and swapping strategies about particularly hard levels.
In the meantime, I’ve posted all the levels that we got online, so everyone can play them (without having to copy and paste each individual code). Head over to the game, and click on the “User-Made Levels” button.
Some are hard. Many are super-hard. And others may well be impossible. Enjoy!
Some highlights to get you excited:
Electron Maku by A Random Player
Survival by Architeuth
and if you thought those were too easy…
Prison Break by TrinitySilver