Paris and F1B3 – FBF
January 23, 2016
Ha, the blog post title is always a mouthful when I play a level by NealCruco! This week I took on NC’s level, F1B3. Really had a grand time of it — as you can see from the video below. I posted an unedited version, very different from what I normally do. Thought I’d see how people liked the change. Do you like popping it on in the background as you do something else, and watching each and every shockto-death? Or are you more a highlights-reel person?
Thanks for sharing the level, NealCruco! Twas great fun! If you want to play the level, too, swing by the forums and grab the code.
iGamer Conference
Some cool news, next week, I’ll be showing off The Electric Shocktopus at a Science+Research+Games conference in Paris. The website, if you can navigate it, has all the info. Or at least some of the info. It’s still a bit of a mystery to me. So stay tuned to my twitter (assuming I’ve got wifi in Paris!) to track my travels and travails as I take TTG international!
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