One notable change (I believe) is that the forum now notifies you of new posts. I don't really like this; I had gotten along fine with refreshing, and now this forum is just going to be another one of those subtle bandwidth users. Not that it's a lot, but I dislike when a seemingly static page automatically updates; breaks the assumption that "I've loaded the HTML, and it's done now.". I have a similar complaint about the expanding post/edit box, but most other things I can live with (excluding the page width, and partially including the style of buttons like for the search box. Also whose idea was to put the advanced search as what looks like a secondary option of search, when it's just a link? I'm no UI designer, but... ... ...also the magnifying glass looks off-center. And what's with the split button at the bottom left of thread pages?)... 'specially the Notifications/Private messages [0].
As you can probably tell, I dislike significant change, especially when it appears ambiguous as to whether it's good or not.
Edit: Bleh, looks like I've written a wall of text. tl;dr:
Dislike: Automatic notification of new posts in the tab/windows
Expanding post/edit box
Page width (see
Rocket/Space game)
All the buttons everywhere
I believe there's subtle extra spacing in places like the options/attachments boxes.
Preview/Submit buttons red on hover, blue on click?
New navbar? Actually, I'm not so sure about hiding logout/UCP, etc..
Quick comparison (I have some old screenshots if needed, as well): ... /index.php
Edit: Eww, that link color looks like I've already clicked everything.
Edit: Perhaps someone's already written a mod (/config file? I'm not too familiar with this system) for phpBB that restores some of the functionality.
Edit: Of course, the
xkcd forums are still in the old style.
Edit: All in all, I'm not
that concerned about the style; don't break the forum over it or anything. I'm sure we'll all get used to it in a few months or so; it just feels weird and a bit "clunky".