The 'Hello' Thread

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Re: The 'Hello' Thread

Post by AlyssaStewart »

Hello I am Alyssa.Love to play minecraft and other creative games and enjoy agent higgs as well :H I am short for my age :lol: well bye im playing minecraft !! SSSHHHHHH!!!! ;)
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Re: The 'Hello' Thread

Post by testtubegames »

Hi Alyssa - welcome to the forums!

Minecraft is a whole bunch of fun. One of the games I've been playing recently reminds me of Minecraft, in fact. Dwarf Fortress... which is like a really confusing text-based mixture of Minecraft and the Sims. Really complex, and can't say I've been having fun with it yet... maybe it's time to get mining again :D
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Re: The 'Hello' Thread

Post by robly18 »

Hiya guys.

Soooo I was doing some research on lagrange points, and I thought "hey let's google 'gravity simulator' and see if I can make a lagrange point in some sim.

To my pleasant surprise, the first result was Andy's sim! Then I thought, hey, I wonder what the folks at TTG have been up to... I have been offline for... Quite the while now! And I don't expect myself to pop in that often, either. High school is busier than elementary... But hey, I just figured I'd pop in and give you guys a hello! I missed this place. It hasn't changed a thing!

How is the activity? I still get a ton of emails from Andy's blog, mostly about playing levels from ARP... Though, I must confess, I was surprised that shocktopus is still the jazz going on? Isn't Andy working on any new projects? Or is shocktopus still in development?

Oh, and last but not least... I never got to thank you guys enough for introducing me to programming. I am glad to say I still am very much into it, and I have become much better over the last couple years than I ever thought I would be! Thanks, guys.

This place was a fun part of my childhood, and I'll see if I can come back once in a while.
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Re: The 'Hello' Thread

Post by testtubegames »

robly18 wrote:Hiya guys.
Awww, thanks for swinging by! As people come and go in the forums, you always wonder what they're up to.

After getting this message from you, I went ahead and wrote a non-FBF-themed blog post :) There's a whole lot of other stuff going on over here... it's just the FBF's that have kept me posting in the blog semi-regularly.

Shocktopus is getting prepped for an upcoming Steam release, which has me digging a bit into that game again, after a hiatus on it. Mainly, though, I'm not touching the game itself, so much as building promo materials, and images that I need to sell the game on steam.
robly18 wrote:Oh, and last but not least... I never got to thank you guys enough for introducing me to programming. I am glad to say I still am very much into it, and I have become much better over the last couple years than I ever thought I would be! Thanks, guys.
So glad we got you in to programming. As you're practicing and getting better and better, it's fun to look back at your earlier work. It invariably looks really ugly to your more experienced eyes. (Why yes, I *have* had to edit some Shocktopus code lately, why do you ask?)
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Re: The 'Hello' Thread

Post by JulieBodette »

My name is Julie Bodette. I stumbled across TestTube games, when I had to find educational science games for a class I'm taking for my Master's in Education.
These games are amazing. Oh my gosh. The learning is integrated into the game, and doesn't feel forced at all. I've already played Bond Breaker and Electric Shocktopus, I'm playing Velocity Raptor right now.

In addition to being a future science teacher, I make games! I'm working on one right now, called Immune System Tower Defense:

Feel free to play it and tell me what you think! It'll probably be a work in progress for a few more years, but I do have the basic systems down and some levels built.
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Re: The 'Hello' Thread

Post by testtubegames »

Hey there, Julie - that's a pretty neat game you've got there! I love the idea of doing a classic tower defense game with microbiology. Definitely keep us updated as you iterate on it!

On the off chance you haven't come across Immune Defense, you should check it out. It's a different take on a similar topic.
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Re: The 'Hello' Thread

Post by juliemack169 »

Hey to all, I am Julie and I love this game.
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Re: The 'Hello' Thread

Post by The Kanto Regen »

hi! i am chase, and i love games of all kinds. 8-) :Sh
lets do this! :Sh
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Re: The 'Hello' Thread

Post by testtubegames »

Welcome to the forums, Julie and Chase!
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Re: The 'Hello' Thread

Post by supersammy82 »

I’ve never properly introduced myself, so here I am! I’ve been playing Bond Breaker ever since I found it on Kongregate, then I got the app, and I wanted to share some bugs I found, and that led me here! Hello, call me Sam, Sam the science man (boy).
-Sam the Science Man
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