robly18 wrote:Hiya guys.
Awww, thanks for swinging by! As people come and go in the forums, you always wonder what they're up to.
After getting this message from you, I went ahead and wrote a non-FBF-themed blog post

There's a whole lot of other stuff going on over here... it's just the FBF's that have kept me posting in the blog semi-regularly.
Shocktopus is getting prepped for an upcoming Steam release, which has me digging a bit into that game again, after a hiatus on it. Mainly, though, I'm not touching the game itself, so much as building promo materials, and images that I need to sell the game on steam.
robly18 wrote:Oh, and last but not least... I never got to thank you guys enough for introducing me to programming. I am glad to say I still am very much into it, and I have become much better over the last couple years than I ever thought I would be! Thanks, guys.
So glad we got you in to programming. As you're practicing and getting better and better, it's fun to look back at your earlier work. It invariably looks really ugly to your more experienced eyes. (Why yes, I *have* had to edit some Shocktopus code lately, why do you ask?)