The Blog?

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The Blog?

Post by testtubegames »

As you may have noticed, things have gotten a bit quiet from me on the Blog / Twitter / YouTube, etc lately. Namely, I had stopped doing those things, instead focusing my efforts on doing development for a bit. (I'd been falling a bit behind with dev, and felt like that'd be an easy way to recoup some time in my day.)

And it was... but also, I don't want to just be invisible! There's a reason these social media outlets exist!

As I'm coming around to start doing more on my social media again, I want to be thoughtful about my efforts. And since you all represent a fair chunk of the audience that reads my blog, I was wondering: what type of thing would you like to see on it?

-General notes about what I'm up to? ("working on elliptical orbits in v0.32.01...")
-Just big announcements ("Update released")
-Personal dev stuff ("optimizing code is the absolute worst! Check out this rats nest")
-Science things ("Trying to figure out why momentum wasn't conserved in relativity mode in GSim... and I learned this")

Or what? What are you looking to find out from those posts?
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