Hidden forum?

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Hidden forum?

Post by Stargate38 »

I was going through the forum URLs one by one (starting at http://www.testtubegames.com/forums/viewforum.php?f=1) when I noticed that http://www.testtubegames.com/forums/viewforum.php?f=12 leads to a page saying "You are not authorized to view this forum". Is that a hidden admin section where Andy posts site logs, or what is it exactly? Just curious. Replacing the 12 with anything from 1-11 works perfectly fine, showing all the forums. Also, I noticed that no one has posted since August 7. Where is everyone? Any news/updates on GSim?
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Re: Hidden forum?

Post by testtubegames »

Hmm, odd, that's not what happens when I click the link.

(cue the rim shot)

Annnnyway, that forum is actually one I used with the Bond Breaker team a while back. Posting updates and new builds, getting feedback, etc. Was the easiest way I could think of do just set up a private repo the team could look at.
It's not very exciting.
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