Blog Posting

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Blog Posting

Post by testtubegames »

Hello fine folks here in the forums!

I tend to be more active over in Discord these days -- or sharing little updates on Mastodon. But that doesn't mean I'm not still checking in here! There's no better place to go for Shocktopus levels. Which... makes sense. It'd be odd if the xkcd forums were the place for that.


I wanted to give you all a heads up that I'm going to try posting more regularly (monthly?) in the blog. That way people can stay up to date with the goings-ons here, even if they're not into Discord. So you can keep an eye out here:

(There's even a link to join the mailing list, which will send along the updates right to you! And, given it's been so long, may or may not be working!)
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