The Fittest

A Slide Rule, a Sundial, and a Physicist walk into a bar
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Re: The Fittest

Post by Flipmstr2 »

I am attempting to genome these creatures.
Yeah it is a bit tough but figure it is worth a shot
1 question, when ( not if) I crack it, is it ok to post?

Has anyone already cracked it or cracked some of it? Willing to share?

I am finding it very frustrating seeing a creature doing great but then failing miserably a few generations later.

Also, how are these creatures reproduced? Are they clones of the best with a small mutation thrown in? Is there some hanky lanky going on with the top two? Other ?
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Re: The Fittest

Post by testtubegames »

I have no problem of you posting about how the dna works --

In fact, there was this comment posted on the sim's page that makes a pretty exhaustive attempt to decode the code. If you wanna know how it works...

Stuart Lyall posted this - I haven't checked it, but a quick skim of it looks about right to me:
Through the game equivalent of genetically modification (No idea how it flies though). Just a warning, this isn't how the game is meant to be played as per what the description is implying. So don't read on if you want to see evolution at work.

That said, contrary to what they say above, I didn't find the DNA that hard to figure out. I just tried switched numbers around and saw the effects. And also they basically give you most of the structure of the DNA in the above paragraphs under Science.

As they say (nearly) the first limb is coded for by the first 12 digits (and is therefore the shortest string of numbers making a valid creature). Digit (1) is 0 whether you like it or not, nothing else works. Digits (23) either do something I haven't figured out or nothing (Digits (123) maybe an artefact of the system used for extra limbs). Digits (45) determine the length of the first limb with a range from 00 to 90. (67) determine the starting angle with values ranging from 00 to 63, creating a clockwise system that starts pointing right and where a full revolution is nearly but not quite 64 if you want to convert to degrees or other. (89012) records the generation number.

Any number up to 9 extra limbs can be added, each represented by 9 extra digits each. Digit (1) of a limb determines which previous limb it is attached too with possible values ranging from 0 to the number of the previous limb with 0 representing the base limb. Meaning that the second limb has to start with 0 and the last tenth limb can have any number up to 8. (23) determines where on the attachment limb the new limb connects to with 00 being at the start of the attachment limb (where it connects to the previous limb) and 50 being at the far end. (45) and (67) determine length and initial angle, the same as with the first limb except the angle is measured from the direction the attachment limb points rather than to the right. (89) determines the angular speed of the limb's joint with 00 the maximum speed anticlockwise, 40 stationary, and 80 maximum speed clockwise.

The top left starting creature DNA: 050400000000035001044
It has a main body 40 out of 90 possible units long and no starting angle. The second limb is attached to the main body 35/50 or 0.7 along it. It has the smallest size and an angle of 10 or nearly 10/63*360= ~60 degrees clockwise from the main body's orientation. It'll rotated at 4/40 or one tenth of it's max rotation speed clockwise. Try changing the last two digits to 80 to see it limp a bit quicker.

A final note, any values larger than the range given will have the same effect as the max value except for the first digit of any limb which will make the code invalid if it isn't in a certain range. After entering any activity and exiting again any values larger than the range given will change to the max value (try changing the last 8 digits to 9's on a multi limbed creature and see what all the numbers change to). Also it seems that a creature that evolves naturally has more confining ranges on some of it's traits and trying to evolve a GM creature might result in it becoming much less extreme. Try doing a 1-on-1 with 000000000000 if you want to focus on it's terrain crossing abilities.

I think that's all you need to know to do mostly whatever you want.

The creatures are created from the top performer of the past generation. The one that went furthest gets six copies created (with slight mutations) and those six face off in the next race.
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Re: The Fittest

Post by Maxwellt80 »

My record is 379 on flat code is 906990023000003360801100800080341250026243911001765300700174050134684933525695804300226236
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