Secret Website

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Re: Secret Website

Post by testtubegames »

A Random Player wrote:I actually went to the earlier page ( ... ecret.html) to check if it was real or at least an easter egg; I appended an "
?info=[some greeting or something that said I was arp]" to the url so if Andy can see the previous connections he might have seen it :P
Haha, yeah, I'm afraid I wasn't watching this time. I've weaned myself off of that guilty pleasure, luckily :)
exfret wrote:If no wource wode, woult wou at weast progwam hyporbowa wand wumtime??
Hrm... hyporbowa wand, eh? Seems you're really pining for this particular game, so I'll bite and ask more. This (I think) is referring to a conversation we were all having about a Flatland game... and how it could explore geometry & dimensions in a cool way. And also, we chatted about the game Hyper Rogue, which takes place on a non-euclidean surface. Could be neat.

So exfret, this game idea seems to have gotten a bee in your bonnet. I'd love to hear what you're envisioning playing. A warpy, trippy game like Velocity Raptor? Or an adventure game in Flatland? Or something even further out there?
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Re: Secret Website

Post by exfret »

Hyperbowa wand = Lots w/ non-Euclidean geometry including spheres, toruses, double toruses and so on. I was thinking maybe a 2d shooter game because you would be able to see how the surface of the area influences the bullet's trajectory. The biggest 'bee in my bonnet' about this game is the one that's eaten the most honey. :P The reason I'm pushing for this game is because I really want you to make a "level editor" where you can create your own custom topologies to run amuck in. These could be defined by functions or created by introducing features to a flat/Euclidean plane. I know it sounds a bit complicated with all the custom topologies, but just think about what type of things you could do with that...

Oh, the protagonist's name can be Sir Cull, a humble little circle trying to escape from Sir Fiss before his evil lyin' lions, lines that can puncture Sir Cull straight through his little itty bitty heart that is... Well, the point is, his heart. :P Thus, the henchmen you have to shoot at. Sadly for Sir Cull, Sir Fiss is a large surface with many different topologies to conquer, and the lyin' lion lines don't help at all. Will Sir Cull reach the edge of Sir Fiss, and what will happen once he gets there? Follow the story of poor little Sir Cull to find out! (By the way, Cull is his Sir Name).

Also, did you see my messin' with the VP website? I haven't heard any astonished cries about those pictures in my previous post, so I assume you've been pressing that 'jump to last post' button again.
Nobody ever notices my signature. ):
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Re: Secret Website

Post by testtubegames »

exfret wrote:Hyperbowa wand = Lots w/ non-Euclidean geometry including spheres, toruses, double toruses and so on. I was thinking maybe a 2d shooter game because you would be able to see how the surface of the area influences the bullet's trajectory.
Ah, sure. Sounds like we're on a similar page, then. When you kept referring to hyperbolas, I was wondering if there was something specific about that shape. But now I see it's 'cause it's a catchy name. Thanks for explaining it to me -- sounds like something I'd love to play. And would be a biiiig challenge to develop. But, man, how cool would it be? I could get into general relativity and... whoops, hold on... can't get distracted. Gravity and Shocktopus. Gravity and Shocktopus.
exfret wrote:Also, did you see my messin' with the VP website? I haven't heard any astonished cries about those pictures in my previous post, so I assume you've been pressing that 'jump to last post' button again.
Haha, fun stuff. Now I'm starting to see what might happen if I opened up my source code for the games :)

When I stared programming, and realized you could steal/modify websites so easily, I was really excited, too. Immediately snatched the website from the place I worked and made some minor mods to it. Not quite as extensive as yours, though. And, I notice you *really* are trying to sell Agent Higgs chapter 1, there. :H approves.
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