Haha, yeah, I'm afraid I wasn't watching this time. I've weaned myself off of that guilty pleasure, luckilyA Random Player wrote:I actually went to the earlier page (http://www.testtubegames.com/agent_higg ... ecret.html) to check if it was real or at least an easter egg; I appended an "
?info=[some greeting or something that said I was arp]" to the url so if Andy can see the previous connections he might have seen it

Hrm... hyporbowa wand, eh? Seems you're really pining for this particular game, so I'll bite and ask more. This (I think) is referring to a conversation we were all having about a Flatland game... and how it could explore geometry & dimensions in a cool way. And also, we chatted about the game Hyper Rogue, which takes place on a non-euclidean surface. Could be neat.exfret wrote:If no wource wode, woult wou at weast progwam hyporbowa wand wumtime??
So exfret, this game idea seems to have gotten a bee in your bonnet. I'd love to hear what you're envisioning playing. A warpy, trippy game like Velocity Raptor? Or an adventure game in Flatland? Or something even further out there?