GSim 0.32w

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GSim 0.32w

Post by testtubegames »

Another release in the web version track. Mainly just got it up to date with the full version - and added a whole bunch more features to it. (I realized that I added so many features to the full version, I could really add a lot to the free version, too.)

A quick list of the main differences between the two... the online version has:
-No full screen
-Only the default image category
-No modding allowed
-Background / UI colors not editable
-Fewer force laws, no GR, no quality settings
-No tracking/ptolemy/lagrange
-Just 5 slots for planet type
-Colors are not editable - you have the 16 colors you have.
-No rewind button
-Dust is limited in #
-No force/velocity arrow options
-No gif maker / screenshot maker

Mostly this list boils down to: the free version doesn't have things that (a) are impossible to do online, or (b) would cause a significant performance hit, or (c) is a fairly advanced setting. The biggest difference, truly, *is* performance - since the PC/Mac version is just going to be a whole lot faster than the WebGL version. More planets with less lag, etc.

Anyway, there ya go. You can find the update in the same place as always:
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