fun idea for agent higgs 3 side game

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fun idea for agent higgs 3 side game

Post by Bloxstar »

so... uhh i made an agent :H iggs side game idea, i would like to direct the art of agent higgs 3.

so the idea is that Agent Muon, aka Kosmo Muon Naut, (get it? Cosmonaut) needs to get the smore ingredients for his agent school campout. (guess which boson is the teacher.) Kosmo needs to fight those lowercase sigma things to get coins, and when he gets enough coins, he can get an igredient, each battle is basically like a mini agent higgs preset level chosen from many ones, where you have to hide Kosmo. and the last boss, his brother Agent Tau/Rusty (who looks like he ate one too many laffy taffies) has only one level throughout, that uses all the leptons (and a z boson). oh and yeah the entire rpg is topdown, and tau is litteraly in the way for the last ingredient and in his level, so the only way you can beat it is by using a nuetrino.
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