Agent Higgs is on the run! After eluding scientists for years, the Higgs particle is about to face his toughest challenge: a multibillion dollar particle accelerator. A truly fearsome weapon, it is almost sure to reveal him to the world. Agent Higgs needs your help!
Help him hide in the particle detector by sliding around electrons, neutrinos, positrons, muons, and more! The known particles (and antiparticles) are the only thing standing between Higgs and detection.
What's that you say? You couldn't tell a Tau particle from a W boson? Don't fear! No background is required. As you play through the over 100 puzzles (and counting), you'll learn all that you need to know along the way.
And it's not just the particles you need to worry about: you'll have to deal with fundamental forces of nature, including the weak force and electromagnetism. Some particles attract, some repel. Some morph into others, or decay into pieces. Can you outwit the scientists and hide Agent Higgs?