What is TestTubeGames?

TestTubeGames is an independent games studio based in Cambridge, Massachusetts. It was founded in 2011 by me, an escaped physics grad student turned educator. My name: Andy. My mission: interactive abstract science.
The Philosophy
Science it a wonderful subject to learn by doing. Throw a ball to learn how trajectories work, break open rocks to study minerals. But abstract topics, like theoretical physics, don't lend themselves to easy experiments. Can you travel near the speed of light? (Spoiler alert) No. No you cannot. But in a simulation, you can!
I don't make games, then add the science. I don't start with the science, then add in a game. I work from the ground up, finding the fun, interesting puzzles in a subject. After all, any science topic must have something neat, counterintuitive, beautiful, or wonderous about it. (If not, why would people devote their lives to studying it?) I try to find that kernel, where a game or simulation is waiting.
Press Kit
To grab screenshots of the various games, read their stories, or just all around get media material about them - check out our presskit().

The Risk

This studio is my full time gig, which is both delightful and frightening! Since I am just one guy, I ask you to consider helping out. How, you ask? Here is my three-point list for joining the TestTube club:
- 1. Play a game
- 2. Share it
- 3. Repeat
For an even more complete list, here are a bunch of ways *you* can support these projects.
Contact Me
Comments? Suggestions? Bugs? Stuck on a level? Made a cool science game, yourself? Feel free to drop me a line:
Email: andy a;>t this-domain
Or just join us all in the forums, to chat about the latest in science games.